Currently, many models are available which predict the effects of a reduction in nutrient load on eutrophied lakes. To date however, no representative validation of any of these models appeared to be available, so that widespread uncertainty about their precision and the prerequisites of their application could remain.
In this publication it is attempted to close this gap, by evaluating true long-term recovery case studies of lakes which underwent a reduction in nutrient loading. Restoration histories of 18 lakes in Western Europe were examined, mutually compared and held against the predictions produced by the most general eutrophication model currently available: the Vollenweider-type model constructed on the data base collected by OECD eutrophication survey.
The publication is the result of a joint process of data collection and evaluation undertaken by the group of authors, most of whom are top specialists in their field. The project was conceived and coordinated by the Inst. for Environment and Systems Analysis, which has widespread experience with organizing concerted scientific discussion processes aimed at improved understanding of environmental issues. H. Sas is the Institute’s most experienced project leader.
- Veröffentlicht am Samstag 18. Februar 1989 von academia Richarz
- ISBN: 9783883453798
- 520 Seiten
- Genre: Natur, Sachbücher, Technik