Singing like Callas & Caruso

Belcanto Voice & Body Training


“Behind every weakness hides a talent!“ is Dr. Karin Wettig’s personal revelation. With her divorce came an almost total loss of her speaking voice. When voice therapy didn’t heal her, she decided to sing. Leaving her home, her husband, her friends and her business in northern Germany behind her, she went to pursue her dream to sing Belcanto Arias.

In Munich her adventure on the way to her authentic voice began. Vocal coaches, Belcanto teachers & Opera Schools were as disillusioning as her experience in a famous local choir. A master class with Ann Reynolds inspired her to write her first Belcanto Book about the Italian method for singers. Still not satisfied with her own voice, she started analyzing Maria Callas & exploring body therapies like Alexander Technique, Rolfing, Cantieni, Yoga. Lonely nights in spooky churches, practicing arias from Farinelli to Mozart, Bellini, Rossini & Verdi helped her develop her opera voice, while her „Sherlock Holmes nose“ made her detect how her role model, Maria Callas, had trained herself to such a perfection. Her insights about theory & practice of Belcanto are defined in this book by a practical training for every singer on stage.