The 21st Century „Smart“ City

Better Technology, Infrastructure and Security

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Hackers, cyber-criminals, Dark Web users, and techno-terrorists beware! This book should make you think twice about attempting to do your dirty work in the smart cities of tomorrow.
Scores of cities around the world have begun planning what are known as “smart cities.” These new or revamped urban areas use the latest technology to make residents lives easier and more enjoyable.They will have automated infrastructures such as the Internet of Things, “the Cloud,” automated industrial controls, electronic money, mobile and communication satellite systems, wireless texting and networking.They will also have to have many safeguards to prevent cyber criminals from wreaking havoc. 

This book explains the advantages of smart cities and how to design and operate one. Based on the practical experience of the authors in projects in the U.S. and overseas in Dubai, Malaysia, Brazil and India, it tells how such a city is planned and analyzes vital security concerns that must be addressed from the beginning.Most of us will eventually live in smart cities. What are the benefits and the latest design strategies for these? What are the potential drawbacks? How will they change the lives of everyday citizens? This book offers a preview of our future and how you can help prepare yourself for the changes to come.