Underdog Entrepreneurs

A Framework of Success for Marginalized and Minority Innovators


Entrepreneurs in the Western corporate world represent a variety of minority and other marginalized groups—immigrants, refugees, women, blacks, Hispanics, the poor and so many more. Unfortunately, they often fail because the obstacles that block their pathways to success are difficult to overcome. But some of them have succeeded against the odds by developing personal strategies and enabling qualities.This book sets up underdog entrepreneurs for success by providing a framework that helps them analyze common obstacles, and develop effective strategies and qualities to overcome them. Although other authors offer practical advice to minority entrepreneurs, they are yet to integrate insights gleaned from diverse success stories into a coherent framework. By providing such a framework, Morgan enables underdog entrepreneurs to precisely understand why and how an outward-looking mindset, valuable prior knowledge, strategic identity, and social and political skills can help them succeed in the face of what he calls the outsider problem—as manifested in the lack of access to powerful mainstream networks, lack of relevant know-how and experience, and exposure to intended or unintended discrimination based on stereotypes.This book sends underdog entrepreneurs on their way to success with actionable advice: keep learning, experiment with your identity, use government business support as a springboard and cultivate high-order mental skills.