The Art of Going Global

A Practical Guide to a Firm's International Growth

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Global strategy is different for every company. If a firm wants to exploit global markets, managers are faced with a variety of new decisions; if the business is domestically orientated then they must focus on sources of competitive advantage, while larger firms who want to internationalize have to consider issues of local selection.

Giving you the capabilities and know-how to create a clear global strategy for your organization, this book supports you through every decision you need to make in order to take your company global. Starting with the most important step – the mindset of the entrepreneurial or top management team – the book offers the pros and cons of each decision as well as hidden threats and opportunities. With a pragmatic toolkit in each chapter, the book helps you to improve your decision-making capabilities on a range of issues including:

 ·         Foreign markets selection

·         Adaptation

·         Cross-cultural management

·         Entry modes options

With case studies and insights at the end of each chapter to illustrate the applicability of each toolkit, this book helps you to consider the pros and cons of different strategic scenarios, and ultimately drive you to create a clear global strategy for your firm.