Each year, Dr. Beat Richner saves the lives of some 90.000 children in Cambodia. His vision of the same right to life in developing countries as in the West ist exemplary. Under his leadership, five children’s hospitals were established in Cambodia over the past eighteen years. ‚Each child’s life is a destiny, and this destiny becomes an absurdity when the death of a child is seen as having a different meaning for mothers in poor countries than in western countries.‘
This passionately written book by the paediatrician Dr. Beat Richner cannot be ignored. The author’s lively writing style reads like an autobiography, though it is not one. Dr. Beat Richner directly addresses the abject conditions of western healthcare policy. He criticises the way the West deals with medical treatment in poor countries. Political corruption, lobbying and injustices are mercilessly exposed and identified by name.
- Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch 18. Dezember 2024 von Elster Verlag
- ISBN: 9783907668818
- 192 Seiten
- Genre: Gesellschaft, Politik, Sachbücher, Volkswirtschaft, Wirtschaft