This book provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature on children’s film in Europe since the year 2000. An intensive research using online sources, library catalogues, websites complemented by expert interviews was conducted as basis for this literature review. The analysis covers 42 European countries investigating three dimensions: children’s film funding, children’s film production and distribution and children’s film culture, and systematizes the sources on a European, transnational and national level. The distribution of available sources varies strongly depending on the region, country, and dimension analyzed. In addition, recommendations for future research and collaborative efforts are provided.
- Veröffentlicht am Montag 28. Juni 2010 von Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- ISBN: 9783631604540
- 164 Seiten
- Genre: Film, Fotografie, Hardcover, Kunst, Softcover, TV, Video