During the Enlightenment of the 18th century societies in Europe threw of oppressive regimes, freed cities from the bondage of the medieval estate-based society, and defined a set of basic human rights that helped shape their sense of self to this day. Today, we as citizens of an increasingly digitized and networked world are in a similar situation. We, too, need the muster the confidence and creativity to rethink rules, values and categories that define our society and the courage to dare to think for ourselves, as Immanuel Kant, the father of modern Enlightenment, demanded in his famous dictum “sapere aude!”
- Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag 5. März 2015 von Books on Demand
- ISBN: 9783734768385
- 280 Seiten
- Genre: Natur, Sachbücher, Sonstiges, Technik