Film Implosion is the first and only available publication on Swiss Experimental Film history, spanning from the mid-1950’s to today. With more than 150 images and 4 important essays it unfold a complex picture interweaved with several histories such as feminism, political documentary and contemporary art. One encounters Jean-Luc Godard, HHK Schoenherr, Gregory G. Markopoulos and Dieter Roth, but also hiden figures like H.J. Sieber or Isa Hesse-Rabinovitch, among many others. The book also focuses on Switzerland as an international hub for avant-garde film with, for instance, a full chapter on P.A.P., the first „international film gallery“ opened in the late 1960s in Munich and Zürich
- Veröffentlicht am Sonntag 2. März 2025 von Revolver Publishing
- ISBN: 9783957633750
- 185 Seiten
- Genre: Film, Fotografie, Hardcover, Kunst, Softcover, TV, Video