If Francis Baudevin is known especially for his pictorial reappropriation of the graphic insignia of modernism, this book also reveals a collector and fine musical connoisseur. * * Through a long interview with Valérie Mavridorakis, the artist provides analysis, references, and interpretations on contemporary music, from rock to experimental. * * His remarks recall that the artistic scene, since the 1960s, has woven fertile links with musical circles, and that these exchanges, collaborations, and transfers plead in favor of an enlarged and interdisciplinary history of art—a cultural history that remains to be written, and around which this book draws a few outlines. * * French edition (ISBN 978-2-940271-41-2) only available by les presses du réel, Dijon. Limited stock.
- Veröffentlicht am Sonntag 2. November 2008 von JRP Ringier Kunstverlag
- ISBN: 9783905829693
- 72 Seiten
- Genre: Bildende Kunst, Kunst, Literatur, Sachbücher