Interpreted for the twenty-first century, God of Money is based on extracts from Karl Marx’s famous chapter on money, published in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, 1844. Marx was a young man at the time, critical and defiant of an emergent world of rampant greed and consumption. Spanish illustrator Maguma recreates this celebrated rant against the mind-numbing power of money in the context of contemporary developments — where the spread of avarice on a global scale has led to the near death of the commons. Drawing on the biblical tale of the Fall, Maguma creates a surreal world continually fuelled by an insatiable desire for more.
- Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch 19. März 2025 von TARA BOOKS Pvt. Ltd.
- ISBN: 9789383145492
- 22 Seiten
- Genre: Belletristik, Cartoon, Comic, Humor, Satire