‚Korean Film Directors: Kim Dong-won‘ is the fourth in the Korean Film Director series produced by Seoul Selection and Korean Film Council (KOFIC). Independent documentary director Kim Dong-won is perhaps best known for his 2003 film ‚Repatriation,‘ a moving work that looked at the repatriation of North Korean spies to their homeland. The film won the Freedom of Expression Award at the 2004 Sundance International Film Festival. KIM has tried to shed light on the lives of the poor and marginalized people with a belief that a film should simply contribute to making the world a better place. The book consists of critical comments, intensive interviews, biography, synopsis and filmography. Prominent film critics, Chris Berry, Jung Han-seok and Professor NAM In-young contribute their analyses to this book, giving readers more perspectives to understand the significance of KIM Dong-won’s films.
- Veröffentlicht am Montag 6. Januar 2025 von Korean Book Services
- ISBN: 9788991913257
- 170 Seiten
- Genre: Film, Fotografie, Hardcover, Kunst, Softcover, TV, Video