“Living under the crescent Moon” provides a comprehensive overview of living styles in the Arabic world – from the nomads’ tents of the Tuareg and the Bedouin via the Moroccan casbahs, magnificent court-yarded houses in cities like Marrakech, Damascus or Cairo through to 20th-century buildings by architects such as Hassan Fathy or Elie Mouyal.
Articles and numerous rich illustrations by the best-known Orient photographers illuminate practical and fascinating examples of domestic architecture and interiors; they also illustrate everyday objects, and ways of dealing with daily tasks.
Contributors of articles include Stefano Bianca, Sébastien Boulay, Mateo Kries, Annegret Nippa, Karin Pütt and Eugen Wirth, as well as photos by Deidi von Schaewen, Bruno Barbey, Thierry Mauger, Pascal & Maria Maréchaux. The book contains an extensive catalog section.
- Veröffentlicht am Samstag 1. März 2025 von Vitra Design Museum
- ISBN: 9783931936419
- 320 Seiten
- Genre: Design, Hardcover, Innenarchitektur, Kunst, Softcover