Messages of Love

From the Realms of the Divine bringing Love and Comfort to the world


We have all smelled the scent of the rose and heard birds sing. We know the sound of a child’s laughter, and the fine feeling
of an embrace.

But for all these enjoyable moments, and the beauty we have tasted with our senses, we are also acquainted with the hardships, the injustice and the suffering in this world.

Must this be so?

Is there not a power, an authority, a might to bring ease and comfort to the unfortunate, and a means that we become better human beings?

Must we exhibit a dog-eat-dog mentality to exist? Is it necessary to adhere to a philosophy of only the strong survive?
One night, three years ago, I began to
receive words, phrases, messages of Love. Ever since, I have been a pen that writes poetry of hope, sympathy and consolation.

For Love is Real. It is a Truth upon which the universe is fashioned, and it is we who have a responsibility to Love as best we can, for Life’s sake.

This is my second book of messages I have received. I pray you find these words as a help and a support, and as a small light up-on your Path to Love.