In an era in which all deviations from the true religion were still listed under the battle cry atheism, J. F. Reimmann (1668–1743) presented a pertinent handbook, rich in content and detail, entitled ‹Universalgeschichte des Atheismus und der zu Recht sowie der zu Unrecht verdächtigten Atheisten‹ (Universal History of Atheism and the Justly or Unjustly Suspected Atheist). Since in his work he deals not only with the real atheists but also with those unjustly stigmatized as atheists by apologists who overstepped the mark, the result is a comprehensive panorama of non-compliant thinking in religious issues. Numerous bibliographical references make Reimmann‹s handbook an indispensable instrument for studying the Enlightenment.
- Veröffentlicht am Montag 2. November 1992 von frommann-holzboog
- ISBN: 9783772814204
- 722 Seiten
- Genre: Aufklärung, Hardcover, Philosophie, Renaissance, Softcover