
Some comparatistic investigations on research in design and art

An almost ubiquitous demand for design competence currently manifests itself, outside of the classical disciplinary boundaries. Within future markets, which will increasingly and decisively be driven by the currency of attention, design is more and more faced with questions regarding the fabrication of meaningfulness and significance. This publication argues that one of the promising strategies for the design disciplines of tomorrow can be seen in symbolizing the codes of virtual relations among material, biological, technological, cognitive, and medial perspectives. It provides material as well as a tentative theoretical framework to develop and bring to fruition thought-images for a design of the potential. * * The book features contributions, statements, and conversations with internationally renowned representatives such as Greg Lynn, Christopher Peterka, Wolfgang Weingart, Marcel Alexander Niggli, Christian Labonte, Fiona Raby and Anthony Dunne, Christian Doelker, Philipp Sarasin, Raymond Guidot, Eric Zimmerman, Manfred Fassler among others. * * Designed by Ludovic Balland, and published with the Institute for Research in Art and Design HGK FHNW in Basel.