Past, present, future
Hristo Kyuchukov, Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov (eds.)
Volume 4 of the Roma series contents a collection of papers presented at the Annual Conference of Gypsy Lore Society, which took place in Chisinau, Moldova.
The papers are from all scientific areas of Romani studies: history, anthropology, linguistics, education, and musicology. The specificity of this volume is that first time the researchers from East European countries are well represented. Contents: Maria Gloria Tumminelli: The Anti-Gypsy Legislation of the Duchy of Milan in the Early Modern Age – Марианна Смирнова-Сеславинская: Формирование “старожильческого” цыганского населения и его интеграция в сословную систему Росссии в ХVII-ХVIII вв. – Viorel Achim: Gypsies Speak. An analysis of the petitions of the Gypsy slaves in the Romanian principalities, c. 1835-c. 1855 – Emine Dingeç: About the Gypsy Perception in Ottoman Empire – Elena Marushiakova and Vesselin Popov: Gypsy Guilds (Esnafs) on the Balkans – Danijel Vojak and Filip Tomić: The Stance of the Authorities and Public in the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia towards the Roma Populations during the First World War – Hristo Kyuchukov: Oral history of Tatar Roma of Bulgaria – Adrian-Nicolae Furtuna: Cultural Mnemonics of the Romanian Roma’s Deportation to Transnistria – Aleksandr Chernykh: Gold in Customs and Rituals of the Kelderari Roma – Dmitriy Vaiman and Aleksandr Chernykh: Roma Communities in Perm Krai: Historical and Ethnical Aspects – Sofiya Zahova: Marriage Age and Early Marriages among Romani Girls in Bulgaria – Kai Viljami Åberg: Research Concerning Romani Music in Finland: In the Spirit of Romantism or Constructing Reality – Sarah Cemlyn and Andrew Ryder: The Gypsy Industry and Ivory Towers: Avoiding Managerialism and Academic Elitism – Riccardo Armillei: Governance of the ‘Camps System’ in Rome during the ‘Nomad Emergency’ – Csaba Fényes: Treating Discrimination in Roma Education Policies – Jakob Wiedner: Norwegian Romani – a Language on its Own? – Pavel Kubaník: Using Romani in Language Socialization in a Czech Rom Family – Helen Kyratji and Chryso Pelekani: The Linguistic Profile of Turkish Speaking People in Cyprus: Case Studies of Turkish Speaking Children Living in a Cypriot Neighborhood at the City of Limassol, Cyprus.
ISBN 9783862887361. Roma 04. 266pp. 2016.
- Veröffentlicht am Mittwoch 11. Dezember 2024 von LINCOM GmbH
- ISBN: 9783862887361
- 266 Seiten
- Genre: Gesellschaft, Politik, Sachbücher, Wirtschaft