Didier Carré lebt in Paris, im Quartier Pigalle, ganz in der Nähe des Moulin Rouge. Nach der fotografischen Ausbildung assistierte er als Fotograf bei der Pariser Opéra Garnier Nationale und leitete mehrere Jahre ein Fotolabor.
Didiers Passion für schöne Frauen und sein fotografisches Werk bewundern zahlreiche Fans auf seiner vielbesuchten homepage www.gallerycarre.com. Seine Models zeigen keine Scheu und gewähren intime Einblicke der besonderen Art.
Definitiv nur für Erwachsene!
Didier Carré lives in Paris, a stone’s throw away from the Quatier Pigalle, a neighbourhood near the Moulin Rouge.
After studying classics and photography, he became an assistant to the official photographer of the French National Opera in Paris. After that, he was manager of a black and white photographic laboratory for several years.
His passion for photographing women developed so strongly that he decided to devote himself full-time to his art, and it was for this reason that he started his own website www.gallerycarre.com in April 2002.
His models are at the very centre of his research, and they are proud to show aspects of themselves you won’t see anywhere else, and after visiting his galleries your perception of so-called “cover-girls” will be changed forever.
Definitely for adults only!
- Veröffentlicht am Montag 16. Dezember 2024 von Edition Skylight
- ISBN: 9783037666043
- 128 Seiten
- Genre: Film, Fotografie, Hardcover, Kunst, Softcover, TV, Video