The goal of this series is to make those texts accessible which document the efforts made during the German Enlightenment to bring the philosophy of the Enlightenment to the »public.» Many of these texts are difficult to obtain or there are only very few copies of them in existence, and they are now available once again. Included are those works which are directed towards the »public,» but also texts in which those committed to the Enlightenment discuss the goals, ways and means of their commitment. The texts are significant for the history of philosophy as well as for economic and social history. Historians of church and religion will find evidence of the transition in religion‹s self-image, historians of literature and the press evidence of the struggles for popularity which led to the creation of new forms of functional literature.
- Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag 9. Januar 1992 von frommann-holzboog
- ISBN: 9783772813979
- 3391 Seiten
- Genre: Aufklärung, Hardcover, Philosophie, Renaissance, Softcover