Edited by Marta Kuzma and Pablo Lafuente. Introduction by Marta Kuzma. Texts byKnut Ove Arntzen, Stan Brakhage, Norman O. Brown, Valie Export, Öyvind Fahlström,Herbert Marcuse, Jonas Mekas, Henry Miller, Juliet Michell, Katti Anker Møller, JørgenNash, Håvard Friis Nilsen, Claes Oldenburg, Elise Ottesen-Jensen, Wilhelm Reich,Yvonne Rainer, Jacqueline Rose, Barney Rosset, Barbara Rubin, Jens Jørgen Thorsen,Otto Weininger and othersDer Reader Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia? beleuchtet mit vielenEssays, Künstlertexten, Kunstwerken und Veröffentlichungen aus der Gegenkulturden politisch-erotischen Konnex in den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren. Ausgehend vonder damaligen internationalen Wahrnehmung Skandinaviens als utopischer Regiondes Sozialismus und der sexuellen Freiheit erkundet er, wie die künstlerische undkulturelle Produktion dieser Jahre einen experimentellen Impuls reflektierte, der mitder sexuellen und politischen Befreiungsbewegung Hand in Hand ging.Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia? is a reader that brings together essays,artists’ writings and works, and countercultural publications to examine the junctureof the political and the erotic during the 1960s and ‘70s. Adopting as its starting pointthe international perception of Scandinavia during those years as a utopic region ofsocialism and sexual freedom, it explores how artistic and cultural production of thetime reflected an experimental impulse that closely engaged with movement towardssexual and political liberation. The book is the conclusion of a four-year researchproject that included an exhibition and a public programme. It includes many textspublished in English here for the first time.
- Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag 8. Dezember 2011 von König, Walther
- ISBN: 9783863350680
- 525 Seiten
- Genre: Hardcover, Kunst, Softcover