“Now I like it here OK, something you don’t like that can be the case anywhere.
Of course I have to work a lot and that is how it is.
But here all people tell you in a polite way what isn’t right.” Robert Frank
You Would is a sequel to Robert Frank’s acclaimed Tal Uf Tal Ab of 2010. You Would contains recent images, some
shot on 35 mm, others Polaroids, of Frank’s friends, acquaintances and surroundings in New York and Mabou, Nova
Scotia. In the book are also iconic images from earlier in Frank’s career such as a photo of Delphine Seyrig and Larry
Rivers on the set of Frank’s 1959 film Pull My Daisy. This careful edit of new and old suggests that past experience
tempers Frank’s present, and shows that his life is not only recorded by book-making but shaped by it.
Robert Frank was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1924 and immigrated to the United States in 1947. He is best known
for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gave rise to a distinct new form in the photo-book,
and his experimental film Pull My Daisy, made in 1959. Frank’s other important projects include the books Black White
and Things (1952), and Lines of My Hand (1972), as well as the film Cocksucker Blues (1972) for the Rolling
Stones. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada.
You would
von Robert Frank