zeitpunkt musik

Musiktherapie jenseits des klassischen Settings


An innovative idea, a refreshing and contemporary concept within music therapy is to be presented within this piece of work – “Outdoor Music Therapy”. This concept uses and establishes most diverse, natural and meaningful possibilities concerning the setting in which curative and preventive therapeutic treatment/activity is happening. The concept itself is based on the author’s own vast experience and knowledge in this field.What is more, comparisons and distinctions between Outdoor Music Therapy and other relevant existing, maybe even close music therapeutic approaches are created, discussed and the resulting findings to be looked upon critically.Additionally, the book offers insights into the outcomes gained through a survey, which handled the question if recordings, created in the versatile setting of Outdoor Music Therapy, can be distinguished from recordings produced in a more traditional, classical music therapeutic surrounding. The participants in the survey were all together well-known, experienced music therapists from all over the world (from USA via Norway and Austria to Australia). The results are suprising and allow a careful, summarizing formulation of knowledge, conceding Outdoor Music Therapy mindful, particularizing qualities. Subsequently the interviewees were asked to mention associations, to justify their decisions and to tell about possible personal experience with Outdoor Music Therapy of their own – these aspects are also included in the book.The concept of Outdoor Music Therapy may seek its scientific usefulness in a way that it could be called modern, especially in Central Europe. Novel, ecological (possibly even economical) capabilities, space and surroundings of music therapeutic treatment are developed and opened up. In present days of creating and spreading pathological disturbance patterns and terms of illnesses such as “Nature Deficit Disorder” or “Nature Deficiency Symptome” over our society, maybe music therapy too has to be open-minded about necessary developments, regarding a sensitive treatment taking place where the patient, client is situated, in his/her natural environment – keeping in mind, that this environment can be quite different to the classical setting.As a matter of fact the author approaches the topic consciously using an easily legible, belletristic style and language, perfectly suiting the adventurous, vivid characteristics of the therapeutic sessions forming the foundation of his implementations. Aiming a professional, theoretical profound manner in order to report about concepts and attempts, there is also an intention to offer readers with various backgrounds a fair opportunity to easily get into the subject matter. The book itself addresses a wide readership: (music) therapists, (music, adventure, social, preschool) pedagogues/educationalists, teachers, educators, parents, social workers, musicians, young and old adventurers and nature lovers and many, many more.