zeitpunkt musik

Die Stimme an den Grenzen des Lebens. Tagebuch einer Musiktherapeutin


This book deals with music and poetry as a therapy for seriously ill and dying people. The spiritual power of music and the intellectual abundance in poetry and stories can be felt, heard and also seen in every single encounter with patients and one can perceive a transformation of the suffering.
When medical and verbal efforts come to an end, sounds, recitals of poems and stories can help to relieve desperation and fear.
With help of examples, the author will encourage the reader, to find his (or her) individual way to the patient´s need with poetry and music.
The book applies to doctors, musical therapists and also to nurses and staff in hospices as well as to friends and family members of the patient.
The descriptions are to be experienced and understandable and show how the voice can be used as a relieving medium for people at the boarder of life and in the process of dying.
At the beginning the author refers to the voice in general, for example in the chapters of “sound’” and “breath”.It shows that our voice, as a direct instrument has a relieving impact on ill and dying persons.
The authors describes the sensitive way of singing songs and improvising with vocals and consonants. She also deals with the conscious use of the voice in a therapeutic conversation.
In the last chapter the author describes her presence in the process of dying, and how she feels the most subtle changes and reactions in the face and in the breath of the dying when she attunes her breath into the breath of the patient and in this way strikes tunes which help the dying person to free himself of his earthly being.