C. G. Svarez (1746–1798), who was the brains behind and the creator of Prussian codification between 1780 and 1798, was a figure who had a decisive influence on legal thought and legal practice. This volume focuses on his works. The articles deal with the visualization of the historical framework in which the Prussian law reforms and above all the implementation of Prussian Civil Code took place. Svarez is ever-present when it comes to the discussion of the Enlightenment and the developments in constitutional law at the end of the 18th century. Those surroundings which influenced Svarez and on which he had a decisive influence are examined. The appraisal of the Prussian Civil Code from a legal and literary perspective of the 19th century, which concludes this volume, may also be seen as the way in which the following generations judged Svarez’s life’s work.
- Veröffentlicht am Freitag 12. März 1999 von frommann-holzboog
- ISBN: 9783772819575
- 184 Seiten
- Genre: Aufklärung, Hardcover, Philosophie, Renaissance, Softcover