Folge uns auf
Reihe Literatur Ilka Papp-Zakor
Reihe Literatur Regina Dürig, Savyon
Reihe Literatur Clare Wigfall
Reihe Literatur Alice Miller
Future Pleasures Eunjung Hwang, Katarzyna Sowula
Photographs Taken at One-Hour Intervals During a Walk from Galveston Island to the West Texas Town of Marfa Joshua Edwards
Extra Work Alexander Kiossev, Hedwig Saxenhuber, Iara Boubnova, Iris Dressler, Ivaylo Ditchev, Jean B Joly, Krassimir Terziev
Solitude Quotidien/Alltäglich Jean B Joly, Roselyne Titaud
Light Is a Kind of Rhythm Alena Williams, Jean B Joly
Children’s song Nicolás Fernández
in Solitude Tobias Bodio
Jahrbuch 12 Akademie Schloss Solitude, Jean-Baptiste Joly
Serial Nature Kai Franz
Woher kommen die wilden Hühner? Jean B Joly, Susanne Winterling
Sometimes I Whisper in the Wind Until I Hear You Henrietta Rose-Innes, Ingrid Hora, Inigo Minns, Jean B Joly, Noam Toran
Fetisch + Konsum / Fetish + Consumption Catherine Perret, Jean B Joly, Julia Warmers
Dream of Bucharest Vlad Nanca
Fahrplan für die Sixties Daniel Vighi, Gerhardt Csejka, Nathalie Wolff, Viorel Marineasa
Was sind deine Reste Sandra Boeschenstein
Jahrbuch 11. Easy To See Who Is Coming and Going Jean-Baptiste Joly
Helfershelfer Dominik Harborth, Jörg Adam
Teiresias‘ Geständnisse András Gerevich, Gábor Schein, Orsolya Kálasz
L’ange nu Gérard Haller, Gernot Krämer, Jean-Baptiste Joly, Vipul Rikhi
Schule Matthias Knoll, Pauls Bankovskis