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The Innovators Behind Leonardo Plinio Innocenzi
Springer Series on Environmental Management
Space Exploration David J. Shayler
How Could This Happen?
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
World of Computing Gerard O'Regan
Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism Peter Lothian Nelson, Walter E. Block
Gender on Wall Street Laura Mattia
Japan Decides 2017
Emotional Banking Duena Blomstrom
A History of the Italian Space Adventure Giovanni Caprara
Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World
The Hunt for Earth Gravity John Milsom
Springer Praxis Books Fabio Vittorio De Blasio
Popular Science Michael Carroll, Rosaly Lopes
The Parasite Chronicles Boo H. Kwa
Particles in the Air: The Deadliest Pollutant is One You Breathe Every Day Doug Brugge
Canada and International Affairs
Europe and the End of the Age of Innocence Francesco M. Bongiovanni
American Presidential Candidate Spouses Barbara Burrell, Brian Frederick, Laurel Elder
Astronomers‘ Universe Geoffrey Kirby
Galileo Galilei, The Tuscan Artist Pietro Greco
Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes, Second Edition Harold L. Vogel