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Contact with Alien Civilizations Michael Michaud
Space Exploration David M. Harland
Space Exploration Ellis D. Miner, Jeffrey N. Cuzzi, Randii R. Wessen
The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist James Longuski
Space Exploration Brian Harvey
Springer Praxis Books Thérèse Encrenaz
Return to the Moon Harrison Schmitt
Space Exploration Colin Burgess, Shayler David
Parting the Cosmic Veil Kenneth R. Lang
A Seat on the Aisle, Please! Elizabeth Kavaler
Hubble Lars Lindberg Christensen, M. Kornmesser, Robert A. Fosbury
Springer Series in Statistics James V. Zidek, Nhu D. Le
Columbia Philip Chien
Coal Combustion Byproducts and Environmental Issues
The Square Root of 2 David Flannery
Space Exploration Ben Evans
Space Tourism Michel van Pelt
Brute Force Matt Curtin
Centauri Dreams Paul Gilster
Rare Earth Donald Brownlee, Peter D. Ward
Once Upon a Universe Robert Gilmore
Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice Monica G. Turner, Robert H. Gardner, Robert V. O'Neill